

Sports Injury Clinic

How to improve your flexibility, remove pain and feel great in as little as four weeks.

Does your backache when you wake up in the morning? Sore knees after training? Generally, looking to feel ‘less tight’? Stop This is the perfect program for you.

Let Jon explain more

The Four Week Program Includes:

Four online stretching and mobility classes taught to you under the guidane of our Head Therapist Jon.

The classes are one week apart and designed to become progressively more challenging as you become more flexible. Recordings of the class will be sent to you to repeat the class throughout the week for maximum benefits.

The online classes include specifc stretches that are designed to stretch all of your lower limb muscles that impact on your back, hips, knees and ankles.

Weekly testing that you can conduct to track your progress.

Access to a private facebook group with others completing the program. Interact, share your scores and experiences and keep accountable.

Complete from the comfort and privacy of your own home

The best part!!!!

– Full Access to 4 Mobility Online Classes
– Weekly Testing to Track Progress
– Access to the private facebook group

It is Free!

What now?

1. Simply complete the form below.

2. We will send you an email to confirm you want to join the program (if you received check junk).

3. Once confirmed we will email across all the instructions you need to start the program.

4. Its time to get stretching