

Sports Injury Clinic

2. Choose your Appointment Type

Standard appointment? Select a green option. 

ARE YOU FROM A SUBSCRIBED CLUB? Select a blue option

Standard Appointment

Duration: 30 mins

Price: £25

Our regular appointment for Physiotherapy and Sports Massage.

First appointment with us? Brilliant! We do recommend 60-minute appointments for a first appointment to allow for in-depth analysis, treatment and programme development. However, all of these aspects will be covered in a 30-minute initial appointment

Standard Appointment for subscribed club

Duration: 30 mins

Price: £20

Our standard appointment for Physiotherapy and Sports Massage.

First appointment with us? Brilliant! We do recommend 60-minute appointments for a first appointment to allow for in-depth analysis, treatment and programme development. However, all of these aspects will be covered in a 30-minute initial appointment

Advanced Appointment

Duration: 60 mins

Price: £45

Our advanced appointment for Physiotherapy and Sports Massage. The extra time allows for more detailed treatment and rehabilitation. This may reduce availability, so if you are unable to find a suitable time please check our other clinic location or appointment type



Advanced Appointment for subscribed club

Duration: 60 mins

Price: £40

Our advanced appointment for Physiotherapy and Sports Massage. The extra time allows for more detailed treatment and rehabilitation. This may reduce availability, so if you are unable to find a suitable time please check our other clinic location or appointment typesÂ